
fair tales Quotes

11 of the best book quotes about fair tales
“The day came, however, when to their great joy, the Queen gave birth to a daughter. Everyone felt happy. The King, from a balcony of the palace, smiled and bowed and waved to his cheering subjects. Small boys turned handsprings in the street.”
“In the next room sat some little girls, knitting ski mittens with long wrislets, and embroidering lovely roses on the mittens. They, too, were working busily, but had time to look at Olle a bit, anyway.”
“A terrifying dragon with sharp teeth and claws rushed towards them. Kai and Kelly ran back to their own dragon, who flew quickly into the air. The wicked dragon hissed and leaped, but he had no wings to fly.”
“Deep in the woods lay an old fallen-down tree trunk. It was covered in moss and its roots stuck out like legs. It looked like a dragon from a fairy tale.”
“The wind,′ said Danina. ‘The wind doesn’t talk,’ said her father. ‘He called himself the wind,’ she replied. But her father did not understand. And so when a passing fisherman found Danina’s scarf far out at sea and returned it to the merchant’s house, he was rewarded with a beating,”
“An original fairy tale, this story is about a girl whose overprotective father tries to keep her from all things wicked, unhappy, trying, or real.”
“Though her father seeks to protect her from all unpleasant things, a young princess is intrigued by the voice of the wind that tells her of worlds beyond the palace walls.”
“It tells a story of warning from a Native American’s view of European greed. 1780′s sea otter trade in its prime - 1820 sea otters almost extinct.”
“In a coastal bay in the land of Tlingit, huge waves arise without warning, engulfing even the largest war canoe in an instant.”
“On a small island, Morrowland lived Luke, King Alfred, Mrs. Whaat and Mrs. Sleeve. Mrs. Whaat is the owner of the local store and Mrs. Sleeve supplies the store with souvenirs. ”
...” bur no mighty sailing ships were built that day. Instead the once strong tree was made into a simple fishing boat.”
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