
little brothers Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about little brothers
“I looked at him and thought about having to go through it all over again. The kicking and the screaming and the messes and more – much more. I felt so angry that I kicked the wall.”
Retta is in charge of her two little brothers since her mom died. Her dad sleeps in and writes songs after working nights. School is out and she takes them to swim in a neighbor’s fancy pool. She’s determined that they experience things.
“Mom,” I said, shaking my head. “how could you?” ” “How could I what, Peter?” Mom asked. “How could you let him do it?” “Let who do what, Peter?” Mom asked. “LET FUDGE EAT DRIBBLE.” I screamed.”
When your annoying little brother shares your room, your older brother is in the tunnel of adolescence, your dad hides in his office eating rocky road ice cream and swaying to Frank Sinatra, and your mother listen to foreign language tapes in a candlelit bathtub, what can you do to get away from it all?
“He knew them like I knew them. Passed to him. Passed them to his little brother. Passed to my older brother. Passed to me. The Rules have always ruled. Past present future forever.”
“And he was too silly to use the beauty kit, said Rose, he would waste all the lipstick.”
“Morris came out of his bag. ‘Where were you?’ asked Victor. ‘I was in my Disappearing Bag’, said Morris.”
“Morris held open his bag. Everybody disappeared at once. Then he zoomed and mixed and beautified until bedtime.”
″‘Little brother, where is your light?’ ‘Am I brother of yours, bridge?’ wondered the lighthouse. ‘Your light was so bright that I thought mine was needed no more.‘”
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