
Little Old Mrs.Pepperpot Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Little Old Mrs.Pepperpot
“When she’s around little things can turn into great big adventures - especially when they involve getting stuck in a draw full of macaroni. . .”
“While the idea of a woman shrinking to the size of a pepperpot is exciting in itself, I don’t think the story needed the added embellishments of her voicing being powerful enough to force the sun to shine and the clouds to create rain.”
“Mrs Pepperpot, the little old lady who suddenly one morning woke up and found herself diminished into the size of a teaspoon and how she handled all the adventures that came about as a result of this.”
“Little Old Mrs. Pepperpot waking up one morning to find you’ve shrunk to the size of a tiny pepperpot isn’t an ordinary, everyday event for most people - but then Mrs Pepperpot is a very extraordinary person!”
“Well, as I’m now the size of a pepper-pot, I shall have to make the best of it,′ she said to herself, for she had no else to talk to; her husband was out in the fields and all her children were grown up and gone away.”
“I must get out of bed somehow,′ she thought and, talking hold of a corner of the eiderdown, she started rolling herself up in it. She rolled and rolled until the eiderdown was like a huge sausage, which fell softly on the floor.”
“Again she started muttering: ‘I have lived a long time, but in all my born days I have never seen the sun give so little heat in the middle of the summer. It seems to have lost all its power, that’s a fact.”
“There were lots of pans in the shop, but I said: ‘If I can’t have that pan hanging right over the shop assistant’s head, I won’t buy any pan at all. For that is the best pan in the whole world, and I’m sure if I were ever in trouble that pan could jump on to the stove by itself.”
“Now for cooking the supper,′ said Mrs. Pepperpot; ‘my husband will be back in an hour and, by hook or by crook, thirty pancakes must be ready on the table.’ She had mixed the dough for the pancakes in a bowl the day before.”
“Then Mr. Pepperpot came home. And, just as he opened the door, Mrs. Pepperpot turned back to her usual size. So they sat down and ate their supper. And the old woman said nothing about having been as small as a pepperpot, because old women don’t usually talk about such things.”
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