
nasty Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about nasty
I like being myself. Myself and nasty.
“Jess’ grandfather is acting very strangely. He has always been grumpy and irritable--that’s no different from usual. He has always been a painter, too, obsessed with finishing a painting he’s started and especially nasty to those around him until he does manage to find the inspiration to finish it.”
“Visiting that great-grandmother is too much like visiting some witch who has lost her magic, but kept her nastiness.”
The newcomers turn the recently deceased Aunt Lillie’s loving home into a stark, barren domicile; are nasty to the other residents; and seem to have mysterious business and social dealings.
“And instead of a nice dish of minnows- they had a roasted grasshopper with lady-bird sauce; which frogs consider a beautiful treat; but I think it must have been nasty!”
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