
Old Tom book Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Old Tom book
“Sometimes Old Tom went for a little walk to the mailbox. But Angela though is best that he stay inside. ‘You mustn’t frighten the neighbors.’ she would say. When babies come to visit... Old Tom loved to play.”
“At first, Angela ignored Old Tom’s childish pranks. After all, she had things to do and dishes to wash. But her heart sank when someone forgot his manners. Old Tom tied to be good...”
“There, on her front step, was a baby monster. Angela was curious, so she carried him in....and brought him up. Angela had never ged a baby before, and what a strange big baby he was! She called him ‘Old Tom’.”
“Angela taught Old Tom how to behave. ‘Sit up straight!’ she would say. ‘Elbows off the table.’ ‘Not too much on your fork.’ ‘Chew with your mouth closed.’ There was so much to learn.”
“But Old Tom loved bath time most of all, when he could splash about and make a mess. He always liked to look his best.. especially when he went out to play.”
“A funny little story about 2 very different people (or in Tom’s case, a monster) being the best of friends, despite their faults.”
“On the fateful day Old Tom arrives at Angela Throgmorton’s doorstep, Angela knows that things will never be the same. She lovingly raises the little feline monster as her own, but all he does is drive her crazy.′
“Angela Trogmorton lived alone and liked it that way. One day, while doing some light dusting, she heard a knock at the door.”
“Old Tom tried to be good...though sometimes he was a bit naughty. ‘Aren’t you a little too old for such things?’ Angela Throgmorton often asked. ”
“Old Tom grew up very quickly. In fact, it wasn’t long before he outgrew his playpen. And when he did, Angela gave him the spare room. It was all clean and neat.”

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