
Ralph (The Mouse and the Motorcycle) Quotes

Six of the best book quotes from Ralph (The Mouse and the Motorcycle)
“Feeling that this was an important moment in his life, he took hold of the handgrips. They felt good and solid beneath his paws. Yes, this motorcycle was a good machine alright.”
“Never mind the danger, never mind what his mother thought. This was living. This was what he wanted to do. On and on and on.”
“Neither the mouse nor the boy was the least bit surprised that each could understand the other. Two creatures who shared a love for motorcycles naturally spoke the same language.”
“Ralph was eager, excited, curious, and impatient all at once. The emotion was so strong it made him forget his empty stomach. It was caused by those little cars, especially that motorcycle and the pb-pb-b-b-b sound the boy made.”
“Ralph really felt sorry for the boy, hampered as he was by his youth and his mother.”
“Ralph started the motorcycle again and rode around in the moonlight once more, faster and faster, until he was dizzy from circling, dizzy with excitement, dizzy with the joy of speed.”
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