
reconciliation Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about reconciliation
“No, no, reconciliation is impossible. Even if we remain in the same house, we are strangers – strangers forever!” She repeated again with special significance the word so dreadful to her. “And how I loved him! my God, how I loved him!.... How I loved him! And now don’t I love him? Don’t I love him more than before? The most horrible thing is,” she began, but did not finish her thought, because Matrona Philimonovna put her head in at the door.”
“For never can true reconcilement grow Where wounds of deadly hate have peirc’d so deep.”
“One minute of reconciliation is worth more than a whole life of friendship.”
“The blessed gods Purge all infection from our air whilst you Do climate here!
“Let the enemies in our land be reconciled, but let reformation be the foundation.”
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