
sense of humor Quotes

Eight of the best book quotes about sense of humor
“The Flying Spaghetti Monster made the platypus because, unlike scientists, He has a sense of humor. It’s an unlikely sign from God--and until someone can prove me wrong, that’s my theory.”
“Henry: Did the Channel part for you? Eleanor: It went flat when I told it to. I didn’t think to ask for more. How dear of you to let me out of jail.”
“Very good, sir. your sense of humor is keen as ever, sir.”
“A sense of humor... is superior to any religion so far devised.”
“I would never say snog. I would say osculate.” She looks at me as if to say: why do you exist?”
“Traffic always stops for Simon- he never has to wait while cars keep tearing past. Sometimes he’ll give the drivers a wave and a bow, and say, ‘Thank you, my loyal subjects.’ He’s an expert in being embarrassing.”
“It’s easy to forget that Simon’s not going to live on like the rest of us. A few MD patients get mentally affected, but Simon’s so quick, and he’s got such a wicked sense of humor, that once you know him you hardly notice he’s in a wheelchair...”
“You can’t be a hundred percent serious forever.”
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