
the birds Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from the birds
“But the birds had no more interest in anything that Owl said. They only wanted to die.”
“Every morning the birds sing, and the Owl flies back to his dark hole. When the birds see him, they mob him, remembering his trick. He dare only come out at night, to scrape a bare living on rats, mice and beetles.”
“Oh, they were so tired of their lives. To die like this was better than to live as they had been doing, going nowhere but where Owl led them, always in darkness, scraping their feet raw for a few grains.”
“The birds took no notice of him. They went on singing, in their thin, hungry voices. It was a long time since they had sung. Now they sang very low, and very sadly.”
“The fish longs for wings and the bird longs for fins. They decide to trade. It is great fun to experience their lives in a new way.”
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