
Timothée de Fombelle Quotes

11 of the best book quotes from Timothée de Fombelle
“This is the dystopian story of Toby Lolness,where his life is turned upside down,with the whole tree against him and his family for crimes they did not commit and a secret that could change the very tree forever.”
As the story unravels, you learn that Toby lives in the Tree but his family was forced out of the Upper Branches to the bleak Lower Branches because his dad was a scientist who refused to reveal a secret that could destroy the lives of them all.
This book’s “net” to catch you in is that one meter in our world is about one millimeter in their world, and they live on a tree. This concept is just very original and is so intriguing.
The Tree, home to Toby and his people, symbolizes through its physical structure, the social hierarchy of the people who dwell within it. Toby’s parents marriage, for example, is a rarity as his parents come from different branches of the Tree.
Essentially the story of a boy abandoned by his people, Toby Alone touches on several universal themes including social class, capitalism and big business, the need to protect our environment, and appreciating the value of each and every human being.
This is the dystopian story of Toby Lolness,where his life is turned upside down,with the whole tree against him and his family for crimes they did not commit and a secret that could change the very tree forever.
“One by one his links to life snap, Leo blue his best friend is now one of those leading the manhunt against him, the betrayal of the Olmech family, the death of his parents and Elisha........., his last link, the last thread, his saviour and friend time and again........SNAP!”
There are many different messages in the book e.g the the destruction of the environment and even the dangers of global warming, the horrors of dictatorship and many more.
An evil and greedy man has become dictator and turned the Tree into a desolate wasteland, caring only about making money. Toby might be the only one to stop him. Overall, a fast-paced book that keeps you reading, the evil characters seemed a little bit too evil to me and I didn’t realize the book was set-up for a sequel!
The people of ‘The Tree’ see a new threat on the horizon but wait what are they in reality, friend or foe?This is revealed to Toby as he observes and then later lives the fragile life of the ‘Grass’.But even as Toby begins a new life and leaves the tree and his grief behind something Elisha had said naggs at him:You have only one life Toby
A fascinating fantasy world about tree people with nice allegories to earth. When you first meet Toby, he is on the run--from his former friends, life, everything. He doesn’t even know where his parents are.

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