
walks Quotes

13 of the best book quotes about walks
“Rosa’s Aunt is worried because Rosa still won’t go for walks and growls unless she gets lot of attention. The only solution seems to be daycare! Rosa is afraid. What if the dogs are mean? Maybe they will bite her.”
“When there are many worlds you can choose the one you walk into each day.”
“One morning Mr. Smith and his little girl, Smudge, took their dog, Albert, for a walk.”
“On that same morning Mrs. Smythe and her son, Charles, were taking their dog, Victoria, for a walk.”
“At last he became so angry that he pulled off his own cap, threw it on the ground, and began to walk away.”
“Out of the gate and off for a walk went Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy and Hercules Morse as big as a horse with Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy”
“You will have to arrange things so I can go for a run. My legs are growing shorter, I am sure, with not exercising them. I shall have forgotten how to walk by the end of the week.”
“In a place far distant from where you are now grows an oak-tree by a lake. Round the oak’s trunk is a chain of golden links. Tethered to the chain is a learned cat, and this most learned of all cats walks round and round the tree continually.”
“One afternoon Alexander did not return home from his walk as his usual time. Felix waited and waited and became very worried. He decided that Alexander must be lost.”
“John said he didn’t want to have to go for walks every day with a girl of twelve who thought she knew everything, and Susan said she didn’t want to have to go for walks with a boy of ten who didn’t know anything at all.”
“I think I’ll take a walk in the fresh air and clear the cobwebs from my brain.”
“I would come along in the evenings, and take him out for a walk. I’ve got a pouch just like yours, and I’d tuck him in it and hop along very gently, so he wouldn’t feel the bumps.”
“Susan Blue Oh, Susan Blue, How do you do? Please may I go for a walk with you? Where shall we go? Oh, I know-- Down in the meadow where the cowslips grow!”
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