
hall Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about hall
“After recess, Treehorrn was thirsty, so he went down the hall to the water bubbler. He couldn’t reach it, and he tried to jump up high enough. He still couldn’t get a drink, but he kept jumping up and down, trying.”
“The kids in Room 207 became very discouraged. It seemed that Miss Nelson was never coming back. And they would be stuck with Miss Viola Swamp forever. They heard footsteps in the hall. ‘Here comes the witch’, they whispered.”
“Mum put the shopping down in the hall and went back down the steps to lift Annie Rose out of her push chair. But what do you think Alfie did then? He gave the door a great big slam- BANG! Just like that.”
“at the foot of those steps you will find an open door leading into three large halls. Tuck up your gown and go through them without touching anything, or you will die instantly. These halls lead into a garden of fine fruit trees. Walk on until you come to a niche in a terrace where stands a lighted lamp. Pour out the oil it contains and bring it to me.”
“I live down at the end of the hall. Sometimes I take two sticks and skidder them along the walls And when I run down the hall I slomp my feet agains the woodwork which is very good for scuffing and noise Sometimes I slomp my skates if I want to make a really loud and terrible racket.”
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