
Jacob Armitage Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from Jacob Armitage
“I must bring them all up to be useful- to depend upon themselves; there is not a moment to be lost, and not a moment shall be lost; I will do my best and trust to God”
“Why, a stag is called a brocket until he is three years old, at four years he is a staggart; at five years a warrantable stag; and after five years he becomes a hart royal.”
“You are most happy when your days pass quickest, and that is only the case when you have plenty to do. Here you are in peace and safety; and may it please God that you may continue so!
“You are young, but you are strong and powerful above your years, and can better protect them then I could. I see darker days yet coming- but it is His will, and who shall doubt that that is right? I pray you not to make your birth and lineage known as yet- it can do no good, and it may do harm-”
″ ‘Humphrey, my good boy,’ said Jacob, ‘recollect, that in the midst of life we are in death, that there is no security for young or old. You or your brother may be cut off in your youth; one may be taken, and the other left. Recollect, your sisters depend on you, and do not therefore be rash.”
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