
Larissa Fyodorovna Guishar Quotes

Six of the best book quotes from Larissa Fyodorovna Guishar
“Sacrificing her future in favor of Pasha’s, Lara held the candle as low as possible ... it always came out that her candle was higher than his.”
“If you love me and want to keep me from perishing, don’t put it off, let’s get married quickly.”
“Lara was not religious. She did not believe in rites. But sometimes, in order to endure life, she needed it to be accompanied by some inner music.”
“I never turn back halfway, never abandon what I’ve started.”
“They were all there, all side by side, and some did not recognize each other, while others had never known each other.”
“It’s not for nothing that you stand at the end of my life ... just as ... at its beginning.”
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