
Rupi Kaur Quotes

40 of the best book quotes from Rupi Kaur
“i am water soft enough to offer life tough enough to drown it away”
“i am hopelessly a lover and a dreamer and that will be the death of me”
“my heart woke me crying last night how can i help i begged my heart said write the book”
“The thing about writing is I can’t tell if it’s healing or destroying.”
“how is it so easy for you to be kind to people he asked milk and honey dripped from my lips as i answered cause people have not been kind to me”
“i have what i have and i am happy i’ve lost what i’ve lost and i am still happy - outlook”
“if you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise”
“stay strong through your pain grow flowers from it you have helped me grow flowers out of mine so bloom beautifully dangerously loudly bloom softly however you need just bloom”
“the world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it - there is nothing purer than that”
“love will come and when love comes love will hold you love will call your name and you will melt sometimes though love will hurt you but love will never mean to love will play no games cause love knows life has been hard enough already”
“do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you”
“you look at me and cry everything hurts i hold you and whisper but everything can heal”
“you tell me to quiet down cause my opinions make me less beautiful but i was not made with a fire in my belly so i could be put out i was not made with a lightness on my tongue so i could be easy to swallow i was made heavy half blade and half silk difficult to forget and not easy for the mind to follow”
“Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.”
“how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you”
“The kindest words my father said to me Women like you drown oceans.”
“for you to see beauty here does not mean there is beauty in me it means there is beauty rooted so deep within you you can’t help but see it everywhere”
“i am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut”
“you cannot leave and have me too i cannot exist in two places at once -when you ask if we can still be friends”
“people go but how they left always stays”
“if i am the longest relationship of my life isn’t it time to nurture intimacy and love with the person i lie in bed with each night -acceptance”
“the universe took its time on you crafted you precisely so you could offer the world something distinct from everyone else so when you doubt how you were created you doubt an energy greater than us both”
“i notice everything i do not have and decide it is beautiful”
“it was when i stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself i found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole”
“yes it is possible to hate and love someone at the same time i do it to myself every day”
“borders are man-made they only divide us physically don’t let them make us turn on each other -we are not enemies”
“i stand on the sacrifices of a million women before me thinking what can i do to make this mountain taller so the women after me can see farther -legacy”
“a lot of times we are angry at other people for not doing what we should have done ourselves” -responsibility
“i made change after change on the road to perfection but when i finally felt beautiful enough their definition of beauty suddenly changed what if there is no finish line and in an attempt to keep up i lose the gifts i was born with for a beauty so insecure it can’t commit to itself -the lies they sell”
“i will no longer compare my path to others -i refuse to do a disservice to my life”
“I think love starts here everything else is just desire and projections of all our wants needs and fantasies but those externalities could never work out if we didn’t turn inward and learn how to love ourselves in order to love other people”
“we have been dying since we got here and forgot to enjoy the view -live fully”
“what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives”
“despite knowing they won’t be here for long they still choose to live their brightest lives -sunflowers”
“perhaps we are all immigrants trading one home for another first we leave the womb for air then the suburbs for the filthy city in search of a better life some of us just happen to leave entire countries”
“like the rainbow after the rain joy will reveal itself after sorrow”
“this is the recipe of life said my mother as she held me in her arms as i wept think of those flowers you plant in the garden each year they will teach you that people too must wilt fall root rise in order to bloom”
when snow falls i long for grass when grass grows i walk all over it when leaves change color i long for flowers when flowers bloom i pick them -unappreciative
“the right one does not stand in your way they make space for you to step forward”
“what is the greatest lesson a woman should learn that since day one she’s already had everything she needs within herself it’s the world that convinced her she did not”

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