
The Treasure Quotes

13 of the best book quotes from The Treasure
“He crossed over mountains. Finally he reached the capital city.”
“Now and then, someone gave him a ride, but most of the way he walked. He walked through forests.”
“But when he came to the bridge by the Royal Palace, he found that it was guarded day and night.”
“Three times a voice speaks to Isaac in his dreams, telling him to go to the capital city and look for a treasure under the bridge by the royal palaces.”
“Feeling a little foolish, but determined to see if the dream is true, Isaac sets out on his long journey.”
‘Isaac sets out on his long journey. Where his journey takes him, and what he finds there, provides a heartwarming ending to this new retelling of a time-honored folktale.”
“He did not dare to search for the treasure. Yet he returned to the bridge every morning and wandered around it until dark.”
“One day, the captain of the guards asked him, ‘Why are you here?’ Isaac told him the dream. The captain laughed.”
“At he last, he reached his own town. When he got home, he dug under his stove, and there he found the treasure. In Thanksgiving, he built a house of prayer, and in one of his corners he put an inscription: Sometimes one must travel to discover what is near.”
“Isaac’s story is vividly depicted in glowing illustrations that capture the spirit of the tale and invest it with a subtle enchantment.”
“Isaac’s solitary journey, his arrival at the vast city, and his discovery there are all enriched by beautifully detailed illustrations, which masterfully capture the spirit of the original tale.”
“You poor fellow,′ he said, ‘what a pity you wore your shoes out for a dream! Listen, if I believed a dream I once had, I would go right now to the city you came from, and I’d look for a treasure under the stove in the house of a fellow named Isaac.’ And he laughed again.”
“Isaac’s solitary journey, his arrival at the vast city, and his discovery there are all enriched by beautifully detailed illustrations, which masterfully capture the spirit of the original tale.”
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