
wasps Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about wasps
“The hornets are our most formidable enemy, and the wickedest, and the wasps are a useless tribe of thieves, without home or religion.”
“They stung Lord Swell on his fat bald pate, they dived and hummed and buzzed and ate,”
“The other slice came down- kersplat!- on top of the wasps, and that was that. There were only three that got away, and where they are now I cannot say.”
“Then Bap the Baker leaped to his feet and cried, ‘What do wasps like best to eat? Strawberry jam! Now, wait a minute! If we made a giant sandwich we could trap them in it!‘”
“One hot summer in Itching Down, four million wasps flew into town.”
“But the wasps were just as bad as ever.”
“Wasps like coffee, Syrup, tea, coca-cola, butter, me. I am very fond of bugs, I kiss the, and I give them hugs.”
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