Books to avoid and/or read with caution

Kathy Ellen Davis
The Cat in the Hat
The Sneetches and Other Stories

These are books that I've read or we have or I know about that are problematic; either the story or the author/illustrator is. Basically we don't read these books but want to spread the word about them, or we do read some of them but make sure to have discussions when we do, or I know the background if the author/illustrator is problematic. If the story is problematic, there may be something in it that's racist, goes against our family values, etc. It may be my personal experience, or something I've read by a reviewer I trust. If the author/illustrator is problematic, they are probably someone who was called out during the kidlit #metoo movement. I'm sharing this so we can discuss problematic books and also bring them to light; just because something is a classic doesn't mean it gets a free pass.

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