Cyrano de Bergerac cover
The Quiz

Cyrano de Bergerac

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12 Questions
  • Question 1 of 12

    Who is Cyrano in love with?

  • Question 2 of 12

    Which actor has Cyrano banished from the stage for a month?

  • Question 3 of 12

    What feature of Cyrano's is particularly imposing?

  • Question 4 of 12

    Out of what does Ragueneau's wife construct bakery bags?

  • Question 5 of 12

    Who is Roxane in love with?

  • Question 6 of 12

    Who hired the 100 men that Cyrano defeated?

  • Question 7 of 12

    Who does Lise run off with?

  • Question 8 of 12

    Which of the following is not in love with Roxane?

  • Question 9 of 12

    Which of the following does Cyrano promise Roxane upon their departure for war?

  • Question 10 of 12

    What token did De Guiche fling away during battle to confuse the Spanish?

  • Question 11 of 12

    Fifteen years after the war, where is Roxane?

  • Question 12 of 12

    How does Cyrano die?

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