Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever cover
The Quiz

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever

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15 Questions
  • Question 1 of 15

    What is Greg's doll's name?

  • Question 2 of 15

    Which is NOT a way Greg tries to make money?

  • Question 3 of 15

    What does Greg replace his doll with when he loses his doll?

  • Question 4 of 15

    What is the online game Greg gets addicted to?

  • Question 5 of 15

    What is the name of the newspaper Greg creates?

  • Question 6 of 15

    Why does Manny shut the power off?

  • Question 7 of 15

    What frozen food does Greg love?

  • Question 8 of 15

    What is the name of the drink the kids at school are addicted to?

  • Question 9 of 15

    Why does Greg think he's going to jail?

  • Question 10 of 15

    Which of the following does the school NOT do to promote healthy lifestyles?

  • Question 11 of 15

    What is Gramma's dog's name?

  • Question 12 of 15

    What happens when Greg shovels his neighbor's driveway?

  • Question 13 of 15

    Which of the following is NOT a fundraiser hosted by the school?

  • Question 14 of 15

    What is the name of Greg's rich, single uncle?

  • Question 15 of 15

    What is the name of Greg's bully?

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