Scholastic is proud to present the final installment of The Royal Diaries series. Drama and intrigue explode in the story of young Princess Catherine’s incredible journey to greatness. Fourteen-year-old Prussian princess Sophia finds herself entangled in her mother’s efforts to arrange a marriage between Sophia and Charles-Peter, a young German duke and nephew of the Russian empress Elizabeth. As Sophia’s mother moves to make the match, she and Sophia must travel from their humble home in Zerbst, Prussia, to Russia–the kingdom of Elizabeth. There, Sophia is renamed Catherine and married to Charles-Peter, but she watches helplessly as her family is torn from her, her own mother is involved in a spying ring against the empress, and all that is familiar to her disappears.
Kristiana Gregory is the bestselling author of many Dear America titles, including THE WINTER OF RED SNOW and its follow-up, CANNONS AT DAWN; ACROSS THE WIDE AND LONESOME PRAIRIE; and SEEDS OF HOPE. She has also written the Cabin Creek Mysteries, which are based on bedtime stories she told her sons when they were young and restless. Kristiana lives in Boise, Idaho. Visit her online at
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