Daddy's Boots
Daddy's Boots

Daddy's Boots

Written by Sandra Miller Linhart & illustrated by Tahna Desmond Fox
Page count
Mar 11, 2017
Publication date

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What's Daddy's Boots About

Publisher Summary

This award-winning deployment book for kids is a favorite of all major military branches: Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Reserves in military books and best deployment books for children.The illustrator has masterfully drawn the lovable and relatable characters to be racially non-specific; Bean is non-gender specific, as well. It’s Boot’s task to take Daddy where he’s needed, but it’s Daddy’s job to explain why.In only 37 pages, the author provides a valuable tool for caregivers to explain to service members’ children why their daddy leaves, what he does, and how he helps others while he’s away. As it would be impossible to explain every job, rank, and branch specific name for every object and service member, the author succeeds in covering the essentials in a generic and loving way. Daddy is a soldier. Boots are preparing to take him away. If Bean can hide Boots, will Daddy be able to stay? Daddy explains the many jobs he’s called to do, and how his work isn’t that much different than the work other daddies do.Being deployed is a fact of life for soldiers of all military branches. Humanitarian efforts, operations other than war (OOW), peaceful or wartime missions - a soldier’s duty is to be there. Sometimes it means leaving little ones behind wondering why.Daddy’s Boots is a loving description of a few quiet moments between a father and his child, as Daddy prepares to deploy for his job with the military.This charming picture book written by the award-winning author, Sandra Miller Linhart, and illustrated by the accomplished artist, Tahna Desmond Fox opens up a dialogue between the military child and his or her dad, and makes military deployments a more positive event.Check out her complementary award-winning picture book, ‘But…What If?’ which deals with the separation anxiety and reunion and other anxieties in kids brought on by military deployments. These award-winning books are best bought together.

What Kind of Book is Daddy's Boots


feelings and emotionsfamilysocial themesmilitary familiessoldiers



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    Book Details

    Publication Date
    March 11, 2017
    Lionheart Group Publishing
    Original Publication Date
    January 1, 2010
    Page Count

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