Doodle Cat is back and he is very bored. Until he finds a thing! But what is this thing and what does it do? Following on from Doodle Cat Wears A Cape, writer Kat Patrick and illustrator Lauren Farell have created another hilarious tale featuring the irreverent bright red squiggle who loves just about everything.
Families are unique and have different expectations for the books they choose to read. The following are concepts included in this book that some parents may wish to seek out or avoid.
Note that this list is not exhaustive and there may be concepts in this book that are not included or have been insufficiently or incorrectly detailed here.
Kat Patrick recently realized she never actually grew up, and so has been trying to make a living as a writer ever since. Originally from the UK, she has written her way around the world, and after stints in New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, Paris and Patagonia, she is now based in Glasgow.
Lauren Farrell is, above all other things, a doodler. There was never any questioning her career path. Since graduating with a Bachelor of Design, Majoring in Illustration, she has made a successful living of doodling. Endlessly.
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Nothing yet! Let Lauren Farrell know that you want to hear from them about their book.
More than halfway there—keep going!
Just the barebones.
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