Grandma Forgets
Grandma Forgets

Grandma Forgets

Written by Paul Russell & illustrated by Nicky Johnston
5 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Lexile measure
Aug 1, 2017
Publication date

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What's Grandma Forgets About

Publisher Summary

When your grandmother can’t remember your name it should be sad, but maybe it is just an opportunity to tell her more often how much you love her. Grandma Forgets is the heart-warming story of a family bound by love as they cope with their grandma’s dementia. Over the years, the little girl has built up a treasure trove of memories of time spent with Grandma: sausages for Sunday lunch, driving in her sky-blue car to the beach, climbing her apple trees while she baked a delicious apple pie, and her comforting hugs during wild storms. But now, Grandma can’t remember those memories. She makes up new rules for old games and often hides Dad’s keys. Sometimes Dad is sad because he has to hold onto the memories for both him and his mother now, but fortunately his daughter is only too happy to help him make new memories to share. This is a warm, hopeful story about a family who sometimes needs to remind their grandmother a little more often than they used to about how much they care. She might not remember any of their names but she will always know how much she is loved.

What Kind of Book is Grandma Forgets


mental illnessfamilylovegrandma  girls and womenfeelings and emotionssocial themesdiseases, illnesses, injuries, and disabilitieshealth and daily livingmultigenerationalthe elderlydementia and Alzheimer's



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    Book Details

    Publication Date
    August 1, 2017
    EK Books
    Original Publication Date
    August 1, 2017
    Page Count
    Reading Age
    5 - 8 years
    Lexile® Level
    Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
    Est. ATOS® Book Level

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