Hornbeam and his friends embark on three enterprising and entertaining new adventures in the second book in the Hornbeam series, from the creators of the Gooseberry Park, Motor Mouse, and Mr. Putter and Tabby books! Hornbeam the moose, Eureka the goose, Cuddy the bull, and Adorabelle the skunk are the best of friends through thick and thin. And when a problem needs solving, you can always count on your friends to help get the job done! In “March Worries,” Hornbeam is worried that the spring winds will blow away his blueberry bush and all the sweet treats he’s planning to make. When his overblown solution gets out of control, his pal Eureka is there to lend a hand. In “Food-Shopping,” Hornbeam and his good friend Cuddy like to food-shop together every Monday. But the deliciously distracting baked goods right beside the front door get in the way of their plans. Can they find a way to outsmart the enticing cupcake display? In “Game Night,” Eureka hosts a monthly game night for the group, where each of the friends shows up in their favorite outfits, and everyone goes home a winner!
Cynthia Rylant is the author of more than 100 books for young people, including the beloved Henry and Mudge, Annie and Snowball, Brownie & Pearl, and Mr. Putter & Tabby series. Her novel Missing May received the Newbery Medal. She lives in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Arthur Howard is the illustrator of Goatilocks and the Three Bears by Erica S. Perl; Noodle & Lou by Liz Garton Scanlon; the Mr. Putter & Tabby series, Gooseberry Park books, and Motor Mouse series by Cynthia Rylant; and his own picture books. He has also coauthored and illustrated many books of humor for adults and appeared for seven seasons in the PBS math-oriented production Square One Television. He lives in New York City.
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