If We Were Giants
If We Were Giants

If We Were Giants

Written by Dave Matthews and Clete Barrett Smith
Library Binding
10 - 13
Reading age
Page count
Lexile measure
Nov 18, 2020
Publication date

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What's This Book About

Publisher Summary

An exciting and poignant fantasy by world-renowned musician Dave Matthews and popular children’s book author Clete Barrett Smith.Kirra, a curious, agile, and outgoing girl, lives in an idyllic community hidden inside a dormant volcano. She and her father are the only two people allowed to venture beyond its walls. Kirra is in training to become a Storyteller like him, and together they travel from village to village spreading fearsome tales designed to keep outsiders away from their secret nest. One day, after hearing rumors of strangers called the “Takers,” Kirra leaves the volcano by herself, hoping to discover her own story. But she unknowingly leads the Takers back to her doorstep, and they rob her of everything she has ever held dear.A devastated Kirra is found by a boy named Luwan and adopted into his family, which lives among others high in the trees of a dense forest. Now quiet and withdrawn, Kirra hides her dark past from everyone and never wants to leave the safety of her tree dwelling. Luwan, on the other hand, loves to explore. One day it leads to trouble: He is captured while spying on a group of strangers. The Takers have returned. To save the Tree Folk, Kirra must face her inner demons and summon all her storytelling to weave the most important tale of her life.This compelling novel about overcoming loss, embracing community, and living in harmony with nature is now available in paperback. Highlighted with a full-color insert of concept artwork, it is perfect for family sharing.

What Kind of Book is If We Were Giants


friendshipthe environmentfamilyscience and naturesocial themesdepression and mental illnessmultigenerational


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    Book Details

    Publication Date
    November 18, 2020
    Thorndike Striving Reader
    Original Publication Date
    December 9, 2020
    Page Count
    Reading Age
    10 - 13 years
    Lib. of Congress (LCCN)
    Lexile® Level
    Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
    ATOS® Book Level
    Accelerated Reader® Points
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