Lull a little one to sleep with gentle rhyming verses and a mesmerizing swirl of imagery from the natural world, as a loving parent takes a child on a dreamlike journey. I give this kiss from me to you, to keep you safe till morning dew.At sunrise when the skies turn blue, I’ll be here to welcome you. Travel a lush dreamscape world as a father soothes his toddler toward sleep, weaving a quilt of dreams across the roaring seas and through the inky night–and dealing with some big toddler emotions along the way. Sumptuously illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat, this dream-ride of a bedtime book, written by renowned author Chitra Soundar and inspired by ancient Indian lullabies, is sure to leave little ones drifting toward a joyful sleep.
Chitra Soundar was born in Chennai and resides in London. She has written over 20 books for children. Chitra also loves to retell folktales, legends and ancient tales from the Indian sub-continent. While she dabbles in chapter books, her first love is picture books.
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