A Tale of Power and Compassion (Entertains & Educates) In a universe where sickness drains the living of their strength, lies a celestial being by the name Emm who relies on the energy lost by the sick for strength. He pursues to forge a world where his power is all that exists.For him to gain more strength to fuel his desire for power, he promotes more diseases among the living and prolongs the healing processes of the sick.However, the Medicine Titans, guardians of healing, refuse to let Emm’s darkness prevail beyond planet Emuna.As they dive into the world of medicine seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills, they learn a lot about how to heal the living. They also find out the innovative weapons to fight Emm and Emunas.As the battle between light and darkness unfolds, the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Can the Medicine Titans’ efforts stop Emm’s evil acts, or will his control over illness continue?
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