In this second installment of the My Life in Smiley series, Max is back from Summer vacation with his wisdom for future generations in this hilarious Diary of a Wimpy Kid-style journal that is unconventionally illustrated with the internationally recognized emoticons of the SmileyWorld brand. Age Level: 8-12 Grade Level: 3rd and up After summer vacation, Max is back at school in France to tackle seventh grade, which turns out to be even harder than sixth grade. In his journal, he recounts his over-the-top crush, fighting with his best friend Tom, his mom losing her mind with yoga and new-age parenting, and his friends’ attempt at making smiley-themed clothing with unique illustrations and plentiful smileys.
Anne Marchand Kalicky is, first and foremost, passionate about reading and literature. After studying at the Sorbonne in Paris, Kalicky worked as an editor for several French publishing houses (Hachette Jeunesse, Denoël, Fayard, Tourbillon). Since then, she’s established herself as an editor and writer, authoring or co-authoring twenty-three different books on a wide range of subjects.
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