Book Series

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together Books

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
picture • 32 Pages
Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
Book #1

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together

Written by Diariatou Sow and Aissatou Balde & illustrated by Nandi Fernandez
3 - 5
Reading age
Page count
May 10, 2022
Publication date


Diari doesn’t mind when Mommy goes into the city for work, because she and her little sister, Fatima, get to spend the whole day with Daddy. From when the moon trades places with the sun until the sun trades places with the moon, daddies and daughters do everything together. A day with Daddy means cooking, learning, dancing, and playing. After all, Daddy knows that with a little imagination, a sense of fun, and a lot of love, every part of a normal day can feel special!

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together Series

1 book
picture • 32 Pages
Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
2022Daddies and Daughters Stick TogetherDiariatou Sow, Aissatou Balde32

The Creatives Behind the Book

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