Book Series

Dot and Duck Books

In order from How Selfish to How Messy!
How Selfish
How Messy!
How Selfish
How Messy!
How Selfish
How Messy!
How Selfish
picture • 32 Pages
How Selfish
Book #1

How Selfish

Written by Clare Helen Welsh and Olivier Tallec
3 - 5
Reading age
Page count
Apr 21, 2020
Publication date


The hilarious follow-up title to How Rude! which introduced us to the wonderful duo, Dot and Duck. They’re back to share even more giggles in this sweet story about sharing, manners, and friendship. One day Dot and Duck find a stick, only Dot thinks it’s a sword and Duck thinks it’s a flag. When Dot refuses to share the new toy, she goes to any lengths to make sure Duck doesn’t try to take it. How will Duck react to such selfish behavior? Simple, funny, and ultimately touching, this book will appeal to any child who is learning what it means to share and, more importantly, what it is to be a true friend.

Dot and Duck Series

Published from 2020 - 2022
2 books
picture • 32 Pages
How Selfish
picture • 32 Pages
How Messy!
2020How SelfishClare Helen Welsh, Olivier Tallec32
2022How Messy!Clare Helen Welsh32

The Creatives Behind the Books

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