Book Series

Eureka! The Biography of an Idea Books

Light Bulb
Light Bulb
Light Bulb
Light Bulb
Light Bulb
Light Bulb
Light Bulb
picture • 32 Pages
Light Bulb
Book #1

Light Bulb

Written by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld & illustrated by Stephanie Dehennin
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Aug 3, 2021
Publication date


EUREKA! Great things happen when science crosses history! Discover the all-true stories of your favorite inventions with this new multicultural STEM series that takes readers on a journey through time and around the world. A perfect choice for kids ages 4-8 who love to figure out how things work! Electric lights–without them, we’d be in the dark! Here is a “biography” of the light bulb, an essential invention that lights up our days and nights. From the first spark of Thomas Alva Edison’s idea to the spread of electric lights around the world, Light Bulb is a fun and informative look at an invention that makes a huge difference in our lives. This STEAM nonfiction title is part of the new Eureka! series, each book covering one groundbreaking, world-changing discovery that millions of people use every single day.

Eureka! The Biography of an Idea Series

1 book
picture • 32 Pages
Light Bulb
2021Light Bulb32

The Creatives Behind the Book

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