Book Series

Frog on a Log? Books

In order from Frog on a Log? to Dog on a Frog?
Frog on a Log?
Dog on a Frog?
Frog on a Log?
Dog on a Frog?
Frog on a Log?
Dog on a Frog?
Frog on a Log?
picture • 32 Pages
Frog on a Log?
Book #1

Frog on a Log?

Written by Kes Gray & illustrated by Jim Field
3 - 5
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Aug 25, 2015
Publication date


A read-aloud story that will have kids rhyming around the house! “It’s very simple, really. Cats sit on mats, hares sit on chairs, mules sit on stools, gophers sit on sofas, and frogs sit on logs.”Each animal’s designated seat rhymes with that animal’s name. “It’s not about being comfortable,” explains the cat. “It’s about doing the right thing.”The frog does not want to sit on a log. Doing his best to find an alternative place to sit, the frog asks the cat a litany of questions. For every answer the cat has, the frog has another question–until the frog finds out what dogs sit on!Peppered with catchy rhymes, FROG ON A LOG? shows young readers that every animal has a special place to sit. With rhymes that are reminiscent of Dr. Seuss’s beginner books, FROG ON A LOG? is a fun, educational read-aloud story that helps teach phonics!

Frog on a Log? Series

Published from 2015 - 2017
2 books
picture • 32 Pages
Frog on a Log?
picture • 32 Pages
Dog on a Frog?
2015Frog on a Log?Kes Gray32
2017Dog on a Frog?Claire Gray, Kes Gray32

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