Book Series

Grace Books

Grace Goes to Washington
Grace Goes to Washington
Grace Goes to Washington
Grace Goes to Washington
Grace Goes to Washington
Grace Goes to Washington
picture • 40 Pages
Grace Goes to Washington
Book #1

Grace Goes to Washington

Written by Kelly DiPucchio & illustrated by LeUyen Pham
6 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Sep 3, 2019
Publication date


“Who’s in charge here?” When Grace learns about the three branches of the United States government, she and the rest of the student council put the lesson into practice as they debate how to spend the money from a school fund-raiser. Should they buy new sports equipment? Books for the library? Instruments for the music room? The arguments continue as they travel to Washington, DC, for a field trip. Exploring government buildings and national monuments, Grace feels closer than ever to her dream of becoming president someday. But she and her classmates have a lot to learn about what it means to serve the needs of the people, especially when the people want such different things! In this follow-up to New York Times best seller Grace for President, Kelly DiPucchio not only introduces how our government makes decisions, but also shares what it takes to be a true public servant.

Grace Series

1 book
picture • 40 Pages
Grace Goes to Washington
2019Grace Goes to Washington40

The Creatives Behind the Book

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