2019 Reprint of 1923 Edition. The New York Times speaks of Christies novel as a “…a remarkably good detective story which can be warmly commended to those who like that kind of fiction.” After detailing the setup of the story the review continues, “The plot has peculiar complications and the reader will have to be very astute indeed if he guesses who the criminal is until the last complexity has been unraveled. The author is notably ingenious in the construction and unravelling of the mystery, which develops fresh interests and new entanglements at every turn. She deserves commendation also for the care with which the story is worked out and the good craftsmanship with which it is written. Although there is not much endeavor to portray character, except in the case of M. Poirot, several of the personages are depicted with swiftly made expressive and distinctive lines.”