Book Series

Little Green Books Books

In order from I Can Save the Earth! to Don't Throw That Away!
I Can Save the Earth!
The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle
The Adventures of an Aluminum Can
Don't Throw That Away!
I Can Save the Earth!
The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle
The Adventures of an Aluminum Can
picture • 24 Pages
I Can Save the Earth!
Book #1

I Can Save the Earth!

Written by Alison Inches & illustrated by Viviana Garofoli
4 - 6
Reading age
Page count
Sep 9, 2008
Publication date


A new “green” series!: Little Green Books will educate children on what they can do to be more eco-friendly. The books in this line will be made from recycled materials, and the storylines will cover subjects such as improving the environment, learning about endangered animals, recycling, and much more. Meet Max the Little Monster. He is a cute, furry green monster who is an environmental nightmare. Among other things, he leaves on all the lights, keeps his computer plugged in, blasts the TV, hoards his old toys and uses so much toilet paper it clogs the toilet until finally, his excessive ways cause a power outage. With no TV to watch, computer to play on, video games to play with, Max finds there is a whole big world outside that he can make a difference in the environment. Kids can follow Max the Little Green Monster’s journey to environmental awareness and learn tips on how they can become little green monsters themselves. A kid-friendly glossary of terms is included in the back of the book. This 8x8 paperback is perfect bound and will be printed on 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper with soy-ink. The paper is FSC certified.

Little Green Books Series

Published from 2008 - 2009
4 books
picture • 24 Pages
I Can Save the Earth!
picture • 24 Pages
The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle
picture • 24 Pages
The Adventures of an Aluminum Can
board • 14 Pages
Don't Throw That Away!
Board Book
2008I Can Save the Earth!Alison InchesViviana Garofoli24
2009The Adventures of a Plastic BottleAlison InchesPete Whitehead24
2009The Adventures of an Aluminum CanAlison InchesMark Chambers24
2009Don't Throw That Away!Lara BergenBetsy Snyder14

The Creatives Behind the Books

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