Book Series

Monster Allergy Books

In order from House of Monsters to Monster Allergy, Vol. 2: The Suspended City
House of Monsters
Monster Allergy, Vol. 2: The Suspended City
House of Monsters
House of Monsters
Monster Allergy, Vol. 2: The Suspended City
chapter • 96 Pages
House of Monsters
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
Book #1

House of Monsters

Written by Francesco Artibani and Katja Centomo & illustrated by Barbara Canepa and Alessandro Barbucci
8 - 12
Reading age
Page count
Jun 4, 2019
Publication date


Most kids are only allergic to things like pollen or peanuts, but not Zick–he’s also allergic to monsters! Join Zick and his friend Elena as they explore the world of monsters in this thrilling first installment of the Monster Allergy adventure! Elena Potato just moved to Oldmill Village, but she’s about to find out that there’s a lot more going on in this quiet little town than meets the eye–Oldmill Village is actually an oasis for all kinds of monsters! Zick, Elena’s new neighbor, is a strange kid who’s allergic to just about everything, but he alone has the power to see the invisible ghosts and monsters that live among us. Together, Zick and Elena are out to investigate all the strange phenomena going on in Oldmill Village, including a recent uptick in missing pets, a dangerous man-eating plant, and a sinister salesman who could pose the ultimate threat to both humans and monsters alike!

Monster Allergy Series

Published from 2019 - 2019
2 books
chapter • 96 Pages
House of Monsters
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
chapter • 96 Pages
Monster Allergy, Vol. 2: The Suspended City
#2 in Series
Graphic Nov.
20191House of MonstersFrancesco Artibani, Katja CentomoBarbara CanepaAlessandro Barbucci96
20192Monster Allergy, Vol. 2: The Suspended CityKatja Centomo, Francesco ArtibaniBarbara CanepaAlessandro Barbucci96

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