Book Series

Rover and Speck Books

In order from This Planet Rocks! to It's a Gas!
This Planet Rocks!
Splash Down!
It's a Gas!
This Planet Rocks!
Splash Down!
chapter • 104 Pages
This Planet Rocks!
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
Book #1

This Planet Rocks!

Written and illustrated by Jonathan Roth
7 - 10
Reading age
Page count
Oct 4, 2022
Publication date


In this one-of-a-kind graphic novel, two mismatched rovers meet on a distant planet and discover that space exploration is not what they expected! A perfect space adventure for aspiring (and armchair) astronauts everywhere! When Rover crash-lands on a rocky planet and finds Speck stranded and in need of a battery charge, the two rovers hardly seem destined to make great teammates. Rover is organized, careful and on a mission to discover all the amazing things in the galaxy. Speck is impulsive, excitable and … not totally sure what his mission is. Their differences are forgotten, however, when they make their first big discovery: they’re not alone on the planet! And, suddenly, their only mission is to escape from the rock creatures that are chasing them! Jonathan Roth’s hugely appealing graphic novel with classic comic-style art features a fast-moving and suspenseful plot, loads of silly laugh-out-loud moments and two endearing characters that young readers will instantly fall in love with. It’s also a great introduction to real rovers and robots, and the entertaining sidebars sprinkled throughout the story containing facts about earth science topics like rocks and minerals, planets, and space systems add a light STEM touch to the fun. A draw-your-own-rover activity and an overview of some real-life rovers enhance the science and technology links. The series offers a unique and winning combination of a high-interest topic, spot-on humor and accessible science. This book also strongly features the character education topics of adaptability, cooperation and teamwork.

Rover and Speck Series

Published from 2022 - 2024
3 books
chapter • 104 Pages
This Planet Rocks!
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
chapter • 104 Pages
Splash Down!
#2 in Series
Graphic Nov.
chapter • 104 Pages
It's a Gas!
#3 in Series
Graphic Nov.
20221This Planet Rocks!104
20232Splash Down!104
20243It's a Gas!104

The Creative Behind the Books

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