Book Series

Upside-Down Magic Books

In order from Upside-Down Magic to Night Owl
Upside-Down Magic
Sticks & Stones (Upside-Down Magic #2)
Showing Off
Dragon Overnight
Weather or Not
chapter • 208 Pages
Upside-Down Magic
#1 in Series
Book #1

Upside-Down Magic

Written by Sarah Mlynowski Lauren Myracle , and Emily Jenkins
8 - 12
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Aug 30, 2016
Publication date


Meet the Upside-Down Magic kids in the first topsy-turvy adventure of this New York Times bestselling series, now a Disney Channel Original Movie!It’s never easy when your magic goes wonky. For Nory, this means that instead of being able to turn into a dragon or a kitten, she turns into both of them at the same time – a dritten. For Elliott, the simple act of conjuring fire from his fingertips turns into a fully frozen failure. For Andres, wonky magic means he’s always floating in the air, bouncing off the walls, or sitting on the ceiling. For Bax, a bad moment of magic will turn him into a . . . actually, he’d rather not talk about that. Nory, Elliott, Andres, and Bax are just four of the students in Dunwiddle Magic School’s Upside-Down Magic class. In their classroom, lessons are unconventional, students are unpredictable, and magic has a tendency to turn wonky at the worst possible moments. Because it’s always amazing, the trouble a little wonky magic can cause . . .

Upside-Down Magic Series

Published from 2016 - 2023
8 books
chapter • 208 Pages
Upside-Down Magic
chapter • 208 Pages
Sticks & Stones (Upside-Down Magic #2)
#2 in Series
chapter • 208 Pages
Showing Off
#3 in Series
chapter • 192 Pages
Dragon Overnight
#4 in Series
chapter • 192 Pages
Weather or Not
#5 in Series
chapter • 192 Pages
The Big Shrink
#6 in Series
chapter • 192 Pages
Hide and Seek (Upside-Down Magic #7)
#7 in Series
chapter • 176 Pages
Night Owl
20161Upside-Down MagicSarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins208
20172Sticks & Stones (Upside-Down Magic #2)Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins208
20183Showing OffSarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins208
20194Dragon OvernightSarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins192
20195Weather or NotSarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins192
20206The Big ShrinkSarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins192
20217Hide and Seek (Upside-Down Magic #7)Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins192
2023Night OwlEmily Jenkins, Lauren Myracle, Sarah Mlynowski176

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