Book Series

What Happened to You? Books

In order from What Happened to You? to You're SO Amazing!
What Happened to You?
You're SO Amazing!
What Happened to You?
You're SO Amazing!
What Happened to You?
You're SO Amazing!
What Happened to You?
picture • 32 Pages
What Happened to You?
#1 in Series
Book #1

What Happened to You?

Written by James Catchpole & illustrated by Karen George
0 - 5
Reading age
Page count
Apr 6, 2021
Publication date


Imagine you were asked the same question again and again throughout your life . . . Imagine if it was a question that didn’t bring about the happiest of memories . . . This is the experience of one-legged Joe, a child who just wants to have fun in the playground . . . Constantly seen first for his disability, Joe is fed up of only ever being asked about his leg. All he wants to do is play Pirates. But as usual, one after the other, all the children ask him the same question they always ask, What happened to you? Understandably Joe gets increasingly angry! Until finally the penny drops and the children realize that it’s a question Joe just doesn’t want to answer . . . and that Joe is playing a rather good game . . . one that they can join in with if they can stop fixating on his missing leg . . . Because children are children, after all. Based on experiences the disabled author had as a young child, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? genuinely reflects a disabled child’s perspective for both disabled & able-bodied readers.

What Happened to You? Series

Published from 2021 - 2024
2 books
picture • 32 Pages
What Happened to You?
picture • 40 Pages
You're SO Amazing!
20211What Happened to You?James Catchpole32
2024You're SO Amazing!Lucy Catchpole, James Catchpole40

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