THE GARBAGE TRUCKS ARE HERE TODAY! Smashing, mashing, lights a-flashing, gobblin’ garbage, GULPITY-GULP. From castaway furniture to last night’s leftovers, no job is too big or too small for this rugged team. With an upbeat, rhythmic text, Smash! Mash! Crash! There Goes the Trash! follows two garbage trucks on their route. What results is a stinky, roaring, rumbling mess – and LOADS OF FUN!
From my earliest days, I loved books and the magic of a well-told tale. I spent countless hours at our local library, where I discovered treasures including my all-time favorite, “”Charlie And The Chocolate Factory”” by Roald Dahl. In first grade, I discovered an old (manual) typewriter in our garage and slowly tap-tap-tapped out my first story: “”The Happy Hamster.”” I was hooked! Years later, I was lucky enough to land a job at the Los Angeles Times. I spent nearly a decade there when an editor called me aside and asked why I had been rhyming some of the lines in my column. I had not realized I was doing this! It dawned on me that maybe it was time to pursue a different kind of writing. Since then, I’ve published four books for kids, all in rhyme. I hope my readers feel the same magic I did when I was their age.
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More than halfway there—keep going!
Just the barebones.
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