Winner of the 2015 Caldecott Medal This magical story begins on an island far away where an imaginary friend is born. He patiently waits his turn to be chosen by a real child, but when he is overlooked time and again, he sets off on an incredible journey to the bustling city, where he finally meets his perfect match and-at long last-is given his special name: Beekle. New York Times bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator Dan Santat combines classic storytelling with breathtaking art, creating an unforgettable tale about friendship, imagination, and the courage to find one’s place in the world.
I really enjoy Dan Santat's illustrations in this story. They alone make the book worth having in your children's book library. The story is also heartwarming and inspiring, but for me, the illustrations make it a remarkable book.
Dan Santat is both author and illustrator of The Guild of Geniuses (Arthur A Levine Books, 2004).which was a Society of Illustrators Original Art Show Selection and won the Los Angeles Society of Illustrators Bronze Medal for Book Illustration. In addition, Dan illustrated Rhea Perlman’s Otto Undercover series (Katherine Tegan Books/HarperCollins) and The Secret Life of Walter Kitty, written by Barbara Jean Hicks (Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2007). Find out more at
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