The ultimate resource for the “girl stuff” coming your way. The transition from girl to teenager makes the tween years a time of great change–especially in the body department! This unique and creative book for girls ages 7-11 answers the most common questions girls have during this often confusing and overwhelming stage in life. The Body Book gives girls the scoop on everything from body changes and cramps to diet and exercise in an inviting and conversational manner.The Body Book not only offers accurate, up-to-date information on personal issues tween girls experience but also shares it from a positive biblical perspective.
Jennifer Zivoin has always loved art and storytelling, so becoming an illustrator was a natural career path. She has been trained in media ranging from figure drawing to virtual reality, and earned her bachelor of arts degree with highest distinction from the honors division of Indiana University. During her professional career, Jennifer worked as a graphic designer and then as a creative director before finding her artistic niche illustrating children’s books, including Something Happened in Our Town, Did You Hear?, and A World of Pausabilities. She lives in Indiana.Visit her at
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