The Girl Who Spoke to the Moon
The Girl Who Spoke to the Moon

The Girl Who Spoke to the Moon

Written by Land Wilson & illustrated by Sue Cornelison
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Lexile measure
Feb 4, 2020
Publication date

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What's This Book About

Publisher Summary

A sweet story that will inspire children to protect the Earth and encourage others to do the same. When Sofia dreams of visiting the Moon one night, she discovers people are hurting the Earth! With the Moon as her guide, Sofia learns how we can work together to make Earth feel better. With rhyming text and beautiful illustrations, this sweet, environmentally friendly story is a gentle lesson and clear reminder of the importance of caring for our planet. Previously published as Sofia’s Dream, this updated edition includes bonus back matter about pollution and the simple steps we can take to protect the Earth!



    The rhyming text itself is a sweet story, but if you heard it without the illustrations you might think it's more moralizing—however, the gorgeous, charming illustrations toned that down for me and made this a beautiful read about caring for Earth. I loved the friendship of the girl and the moon, and the illustration of the Earth the girl views from the moon is breathtaking and touching.

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The Creatives Behind the Book

    Land Wilson

    Land Wilson developed an appreciation for nature as a boy thanks to his parents and naturalist Elizabeth Terwilliger. Having read that viewing Earth from space had a profound effect on a person’s sense of responsibility to the health of our planet, Land wanted to share what he learned about the importance of protecting nature. After interviewing three Apollo astronauts, Colonel Frank Borman, Captain Eugene Cernan, and Captain Wally Schirra, Jr., he resolved to share this experience with children. It was then that Sofia’s Dream was born.

    Sue Cornelison

    Sue Cornelison is the author and illustrator of many children’s books. During the summer, she spends time at her little cabin in the woods in northern Minnesota. She relishes her time with family, coaching her tumbling and trampoline team, and playing wildlife photographer when she isn’t illustrating.

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Book Details

Publication Date
February 4, 2020
Little Pickle Press
Original Publication Date
March 1, 2007
Page Count
Reading Age
4 - 8 years
Lexile® Level
Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
Est. ATOS® Book Level

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Core Score - 45%

Still needs the basics.

Depth Score - 25%

Just the barebones.

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