Inspired by the beloved original television classic, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Two days before Christmas, a terrible snowstorm arrives and Charlie-in-the-Box is lost at sea! King Moonracer quickly puts together a band of Misfit Toys to rescue him. Together with Yukon Cornelius and Bumble, the Abominable Snow Monster, the Misfits embark on their greatest adventure yet! But one question remains- will they say Charlie and return to the island in time for Santa to arrive? Or are the Misfits doomed to spend another Christmas without a little boy or girl to love them? An original story set in the same universe as the beloved original television classic, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Two days before Christmas, a terrible snowstorm arrives and Charlie-in-the-Box is lost at sea! King Moonracer quickly puts together a band of Misfit Toys to rescue him. Together with Yukon Cornelius and Bumble, the Abominable Snow Monster, the Misfits embark on their greatest adventure yet! But one question remains – will they save Charlie and return to the island in time for Santa to arrive? Or are the Misfits doomed to spend another Christmas without a little boy or girl to love them?
Brendan Deneen is the award-winning author of Night Night, Groot, as well as the all-ages graphic novels Green Arrow: Stranded, Flash Gordon: The Mercy Wars, and The Island of Misfit Toys. He is also the father of two daughters, who love to build snow people with their dad and then enjoy many, many cups of hot cocoa!
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