In a captivating follow-up to April and Esme, Tooth Fairies, a master of whimsy sends his tiny heroines on another adventure. With their parents off on an urgent molar pickup, April and Esme are ready for a cozy overnight at Grandma and Grandpa’s teapot house by the airport fence. There will be fairy cakes to mix, pancakes and syrup for breakfast, a chocolate on each of their pillows. But then a call comes in about a small girl in a red coat, arriving from Ghana with a baby tooth somewhere in her pocket. Could this be a job for April and Esme, tooth fairy sisters? As always with Bob Graham, the beauty is in the details: Grandpa working out with a giant teabag-turned-punching-bag; fellow winged creatures hovering above the airport terminal (cupids to help people meet and angels to comfort the sad arrivals). Merging humor, poignancy, and a bit of heart-fluttering suspense, Bob Graham turns a familiar moment of childhood independence into a thing of magic.
Bob Graham has written and illustrated many books for children. Among them are Home in the Rain, How the Sun Got to Coco’s House, Vanilla Ice Cream, and “Let’s Get a Pup,” Said Kate, which won a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award. He lives in Australia.
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