Twenty-two Cents
Twenty-two Cents

Twenty-two Cents

Written by Paula Yoo & illustrated by Jamel Akib
6 - 9
Reading age
Page count
Lexile measure
Sep 1, 2014
Publication date

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What's Twenty-two Cents About

Publisher Summary

Growing up in Bangladesh, Muhammad Yunus witnessed extreme poverty all around and was determined to eradicate it. In 1976, as an Economics professor, Muhammad met a young craftswoman in the village of Jobra who needed to borrow five taka (twenty-two cents) to buy materials. No bank would lend such a small amount to an uneducated woman, so she was forced to borrow from corrupt lenders who charged an unfair interest rate, and left her without enough profit to buy food. Muhammad realized that what stood in the way of her financial security was just a few cents. Inspired, Muhammad founded Grameen Bank where people could borrow small amounts of money to start a job, and then pay back the bank without exorbitant interest charges. Over the next few years, Muhammad’s compassion and determination changed the lives of millions of people by loaning the equivalent of more than ten billion US dollars in micro-credit. This has also served to advocate and empower the poor, especially women, who often have limited options. Twenty-two Cents is an inspiring story of economic innovation and a celebration of how one person–like one small loan–can make a positive difference in the lives of many.

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    Book Details

    Publication Date
    September 1, 2014
    Lee Low Books
    Original Publication Date
    April 1, 2014
    Page Count
    Reading Age
    6 - 9 years
    Lib. of Congress (LCCN)
    Lexile® Level
    Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
    ATOS® Book Level
    Accelerated Reader® Points
    Accelerated Reader Quiz
    Accelerated Reader Interest Level

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    Core Score - 40%

    Still needs the basics.

    Depth Score - 15%

    Just the barebones.

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