What’s that there? That’s the rushing river’s curly bend, cried the sea eagle perched on a knotted branch, swaying. There, look! What’s that there? That’s the cliff face sharp with sun-scorched stones, glinting, shrilled the hawk, gliding on summer winds. There, look! An exhilarating celebration of the Australian landscape as seen from the sky featuring vibrant illustrations by Balarinji, Australia’s leading Indigenous design studio. Ros Moriarty, author of the acclaimed memoir Listening to Country, is also the founder of Indi Kindi early literacy education.
Ros Moriarty is a former journalist with Radio Australia in indigenous affairs, women’s issues, and the environment; the founder of a nonprofit organization supporting preliteracy education; and the designer and managing director of Balarinji Studio, Australia’s leading indigenous art and design group. Her previous picture books include Kangaroos Hop, Sum- mer Rain, and Ten Scared Fish.
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