You Smell! (And So Does Everything Else!)
You Smell! (And So Does Everything Else!)

You Smell! (And So Does Everything Else!)

Written by Clive Gifford & illustrated by Pete Gamlen
Physical book
7 - 11
Reading age
Page count
Oct 8, 2019
Publication date

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What's This Book About

Publisher Summary

Everyone smells! The sense of smell plays a crucial part in survival, communication, and taste, and is the basis of a multi-billion-dollar industry. But, despite all this, it’s the sense we often know least about. This hilarious and fact-packed book puts that right. Find out everything you could ever want to know about stinks, whiffs, and pongs, from the fruit so pungent it’s banned from public transport to the top-secret military program developing the stinkiest stink bomb.

What Kind of Book is You Smell! (And So Does Everything Else!)


science and natureanatomy and physiology


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    Book Details

    Publication Date
    October 8, 2019
    Laurence King
    Page Count
    Juvenile Reader
    Reading Age
    7 - 11 years

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    Core Score - 65%

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