2023 | Velakro the Lightning Bird | 128 |
2022 | Ossiron the Fleshless Killer | 128 |
2022 | Styx: The Lurking Terror | 128 |
2022 | Raptex the Sky Hunter | 128 |
2022 | Gargantua | 128 |
2022 | The Ultimate Battle | 192 |
2022 | Devora the Death Fish | 128 |
2022 | Gorog the Fiery Fiend | 128 |
2022 | Krokol the Father of Fear | 144 |
2021 | The Lost Tomb | 192 |
2021 | Mallix the Silent Stalker | 144 |
2021 | Teknos the Ocean Crawler | 144 |
2021 | Bixara the Horned Dragon | 192 |
2021 | Silexa the Stone Cat | 144 |
2021 | Kyron, Lord of Fire | 144 |
2021 | Arkano the Stone Crawler | 192 |
2021 | Morax the Wrecking Menace | 144 |
2021 | Diprox the Buzzing Terror | 144 |
2021 | Glaki, Spear of the Depths | 144 |
2020 | Lycaxa, Hunter of the Peaks | 144 |
2020 | Akorta the All-Seeing Ape | 144 |
2019 | Fluger | 144 |
2019 | The Dark Wizard | 192 |
2019 | Book 1: Book 1 | 192 |
2019 | Electro the Storm Bird | 144 |
2019 | Xerkan the Shape Stealer | 144 |
2019 | Scalamanx the Fiery Fury | 192 |
2019 | Torka the Sky Snatcher | 144 |
2019 | Krotax the Tusked Destroyer | 144 |
2019 | Querzol the Swamp Monster | 144 |
2019 | Ospira the Savage Sorceress | 192 |
2018 | Nersepha the Cursed Siren | 144 |
2018 | Larnak the Swarming Menace | 144 |
2018 | Jurog, Hammer of the Jungle | 144 |
2018 | Menox the Sabre-Toothed Terror | 144 |
2018 | Tarantix the Bone Spider | 144 |
2018 | Grymon the Biting Horror | 144 |
2018 | Lypida the Shadow Fiend | 144 |
2018 | Skrar the Night Scavenger | 144 |
2018 | Verak the Storm King | 192 |
2017 | Skalix | 144 |
2017 | Okira the Crusher | 144 |
2017 | Rykar the Fire Hound | 144 |
2017 | Magror, Ogre of the Swamps | 192 |
2017 | Zulok the Winged Spirit | 144 |
2017 | Vetrix the Poison Dragon | 144 |
2017 | Korvax the Sea Dragon | 144 |
2017 | Quarg the Stone Dragon | 144 |
2017 | Strytor the Skeleton Dragon | 144 |
2017 | Kyrax the Metal Warrior | 192 |
2017 | Falkor the Coiled Terror | 192 |
2016 | Falra the Snow Phoenix | 120 |
2016 | Okawa the River Beast | 181 |
2016 | Kragos & Kildor | 72 |
2016 | Drogan the Jungle Menace | 127 |
2016 | Skolo the Bladed Monster | 182 |
2016 | Plexor the Raging Reptile | 136 |
2016 | Jakara the Ghost Warrior | 182 |
2016 | Karixa the Diamond Warrior | 127 |
2016 | Soara the Stinging Spectre | 144 |
2016 | Wardok the Sky Terror | 144 |
2016 | Krytor the Blood Bat | 144 |
2016 | Yakorix the Ice Bear | 192 |
2016 | Quagos the Armoured Beetle | 136 |
2016 | Tikron the Jungle Master | 120 |
2016 | Raffkor the Stampeding Brute | 120 |
2016 | Xerik the Bone Cruncher | 136 |
2016 | Vislak the Slithering Serpent | 128 |
2016 | The Pirate's Curse | 144 |
2016 | Mortaxe the Skeleton Warrior | 80 |
2016 | Arax | 80 |
2016 | Thoron the Living Storm | 144 |
2016 | Saurex the Silent Creeper | 144 |
2016 | Okko the Sand Monster | 144 |
2016 | Kanis the Shadow Hound | 144 |
2016 | Ronak the Toxic Terror | 144 |
2016 | Solix | 144 |
2016 | Gryph | 144 |
2016 | Styro the Snapping Brute | 144 |
2015 | Vedra & Krimon | 80 |
2015 | Kronus the Clawed Menace | 121 |
2015 | Torno the Hurricane Dragon | 121 |
2015 | Bloodboar the Buried Doom | 121 |
2015 | Hecton the Body Snatcher | 121 |
2015 | Koron, Jaws of Death | 121 |
2015 | Balisk the Water Snake | 128 |
2015 | Krestor the Crushing Terror | 118 |
2015 | Madara the Midnight Warrior | 119 |
2015 | Carnivora the Winged Scavenger | 121 |
2015 | Ellik the Lightning Horror | 119 |
2015 | Hellion The Fiery Foe | 128 |
2015 | Convol | 128 |
2015 | Grashkor the Beast Guard | 192 |
2015 | Viktor the Deadly Archer | 192 |
2015 | Sepron vs Narga | 192 |
2015 | Ferrok the Iron Soldier | 192 |
2015 | Vespick the Wasp Queen | 119 |
2015 | Murk the Swamp Man | 119 |
2015 | Komodo the Lizard King | 119 |
2015 | Terra: Curse of the Forest | 119 |
2015 | Fang the Bat Fiend | 119 |
2015 | Muro the Rat Monster | 119 |
2015 | Koba, Ghoul of the Shadows | 128 |
2015 | Targro the Arctic Menace | 128 |
2015 | Skurik the Forest Demon | 128 |
2015 | Slivka | 128 |
2015 | Linka the Sky Conqueror | 128 |
2015 | Vermok the Spiteful Scavenger | 128 |
2015 | Hawkite Arrow of the Air | 119 |
2015 | Amictus The Bug Queen | 119 |
2015 | Trema the Earth Lord | 119 |
2015 | Koldo the Arctic Warrior | 119 |
2015 | Rokk the Walking Mountain | 119 |
2015 | Krabb Master of the Sea | 119 |
2015 | Issrilla the Creeping Menace | 144 |
2015 | Mirka the Ice Horse | 144 |
2015 | Kama the Faceless Beast | 144 |
2015 | Vigrash the Clawed Eagle | 144 |
2015 | Solak Scourge of the Sea | 121 |
2015 | Kajin the Beast Catcher | 144 |
2014 | Tauron the Pounding Fury | 144 |
2014 | Brutus the Hound of Horror | 144 |
2014 | Flaymar the Scorched Blaze | 144 |
2014 | Serpio the Slithering Shadow | 144 |
2014 | Tarrok the Blood Spike | 142 |
2014 | Raksha the Mirror Demon | 192 |
2014 | Noctila the Death Owl | 121 |
2014 | Shamani the Raging Flame | 128 |
2014 | Lustor the Acid Dart | 128 |
2014 | Doomskull the King of Fear | 128 |
2014 | Ravira | 192 |
2014 | Voltrex the Two-Headed Octopus | 128 |
2014 | Tecton the Armoured Giant | 128 |
2014 | Koraka the Winged Assassin | 121 |
2014 | Minos the Demon Bull | 121 |
2014 | Spikefin the Water King | 121 |
2014 | Silver the Wild Terror | 128 |
2014 | Ursus the Clawed Roar | 120 |
2014 | Mortaxe the Skeleton Warrior | 192 |
2014 | Anoret the First Beast | 192 |
2014 | Torpix the Twisting Serpent | 121 |
2014 | Arax the Soul Stealer | 184 |
2014 | Creta | 192 |
2014 | Amictus vs Tagus | 192 |
2014 | Kragos and Kildor | 192 |
2014 | Ferno vs Epos | 192 |
2014 | The Dagger of Doom | 128 |
2014 | The Dark Cauldron | 112 |
2009 | Equinus the Spirit Horse | 118 |
2009 | Nixa the Death Bringer | 113 |
2009 | Rashouk the Cave Troll | 120 |
2009 | Luna the Moon Wolf | 120 |
2009 | Stealth the Ghost Panther | 120 |
2009 | Blaze the Ice Dragon | 120 |
2008 | Spiros the Ghost Phoenix | 184 |
2008 | Skor | 113 |
2008 | Sting the Scorpion Man | 116 |
2008 | Kaymon | 111 |
2008 | Narga | 114 |
2008 | Tusk the Mighty Mammoth | 114 |
2008 | Torgor the Minotaur | 144 |
2008 | Claw the Giant Monkey | 115 |
2008 | Vipero the Snake Man | 113 |
2008 | Trillion the Three-Headed Lion | 120 |
2008 | Arachnid the King of Spiders | 114 |
2008 | Zepha the Monster Squid | 116 |
2008 | Soltra the Stone Charmer | 114 |
2008 | Vedra & Krimon | 187 |
2007 | Tagus the Horse-Man | 137 |
2007 | Nanook | 135 |
2007 | Arcta the Mountain Giant | 131 |
2007 | Sepron | 144 |
2007 | Epos The Flame Bird | 137 |
2007 | Ferno the Fire Dragon | 133 |